If detail is meaningless -- and it is -- what about all these tiger hairs?
Feb 20, 2022I ask myself a lot of questions. About 50:50 split between pragmatic ones about things like turning form effectively, mixing color well, layering color correctly, etc. Pretty endless conversational string in my head.
And then there are the questions which go unanswered, remain partially answered or (often) I have no way of screwdrivering the answer out of the ether.
In my last post (here) I claimed that detail is meaningless. And I stand by that. Once you start looking closely you quickly realize that detail is endless, so much detail that you don't know where to stop adding it.
But observing a subject, examining it for information, deciding what information is important, which of that important stuff I want to emphasize — now that is great stuff to consider. Especially when painting belly rolls on a beauty like this one.
Every hair? Nope. The illusion of all those hairs? Yup.
There's something extraordinary about a painted surface that contains curated, considered information. It's lively and animated and perfectly flat.
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